At Franklin Diagnostics Medical Center, Dr. Aida Rechdouni incorporates the use of PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy in many cases, such as Hair Loss, Joint Pain, and Sexual Rejuvenations. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is fluid from the blood that is enriched with platelets and particles that release growth factors for tissue healing. With a simple blood draw and an advanced technology protocol, PRP is a relatively low-pain, low-risk procedure by obtaining a small amount of your blood from the arm, which is then immediately processed to separate the existing platelets and plasma from the rest of the blood. The result accelerates the healing process, decreases surgical pain and swelling with significantly less recovery time.

For Hair Loss: PRP Stimulates the stem cells in the hair root and “turn on” the hair follicles again. It increases the number of hair and the thickness of individual hair, as well as the life of each hair, which the patient starts noticing early by less shedding.

For Joint Pain: Falls, accidents and aging can damage joints and cause pain. PRP can help heal those damaged joints and reduce pain and stiffness by repairing damaged tendons, cartilage, ligaments, and muscles. In certain cases, your health insurance may cover this service.

For Sexual Rejuvenations:

  • In Women: The Vaginal Rejuvenation Shot improves lubrication, increases sensitivity, and satisfaction and can also help with urinary incontinence.
  • In Men: The Penile Shot helps with erectile dysfunction, improves sensation, and increases thickness and erection time.

For more information on PRP Treatments or to find out if it’s the right procedure for you, please call (888) 610-8909  or contact us to request a free consultation at Franklin Medical Wellness Center.